Caltrans Bypass Destructive Work Plows Ahead; Protests Persist. Tree-Sits and Blockades Highlight Critical Time for Wetlands

DSC_0464In the small northern California community of Willits where people have been waging a pitched battle against Caltrans plans to massively expand the capacity of Highway 101 (see previous alerts about Richardson Grove and the project in the Smith River Canyon), new chapters are unfolding.

Caltrans announced that its contractors would begin hauling fill this week to cover hundreds of acres of wick drains that have been sunk into the wetlands grounds.  Once the wick drains are covered, the tons of fill will begin squeezing the water up and out of the drains, causing irreversible damage to the wetlands. Though the fill hauling has been delayed, this represents a critical juncture that have local residents very concerned about threats to their wells and other water resources besides the tragic loss of wetlands. This project represents the largest loss of wetlands in California in 50 years.

NOTE: ABC TV broadcast a hard-hitting story earlier in August exposing the truth behind some of Caltrans’ propaganda, and arguing that the money could be better spent on Bay Area traffic solutions. If you missed it, we highly recommend you check it out at
(This is the second such exposé story by ABC; the first aired May 9:

During protests to stop the installation of the “wick drains” in July, a flurry of media interest and outrage expressed in Editorials was ignited with a reporter and photographer with the Willits News was arrested on the Caltrans construction site as he waited for his Caltrans “escort”.

In other court activity, the merits of the case against Caltrans were heard in federal court in San Francisco on June 21 when the civil suit launched by the Willits Environmental Center, EPIC and the Center for Biological Diversity had its day in court.  Judge Jeffrey White has yet to issue his ruling.

You can find ways to support this campaign plus photos, stories and campaign background at  The stalwarts of this campaign deserve all the support you can give! If you are able to spend some time at their action camp, so much the better!

~~~~>> Please sign the online petition calling for a HALT to work on the Bypass through wetlands and woodlands so that less destructive, less expensive alternatives can be put in place. These alternatives exist!  SIGN the petition here

(below: sign-painting at action camp during our visit in July)
(Photo: sign-painting at action camp during our visit in July)