Army Corps caves and reinstates suspended permit; campaign continues

After taking a strong stand against Caltrans’ multiple violations in the wetlands by suspending their work permit on June 20, the Army Corps of Engineers on July 10  caved in and reinstated the 404 permit.
The permit was reinstated under conditions, but many conditions are promises that Caltrans has been making all along.

Caltrans committed to accelerate work on the complicated and extensive mitigation for wetlands destruction, and add additional mitigation, supposedly to compensate for delays in starting mitigation work. Will that mean successful mitigation?  Ask the fish and the birds. The value of the wetlands being lost is immeasurable and in our view, cannot be mitigated.

The Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians is pressing forward to get consultations and negotiations regarding the dumping of fill on archaeological sites in the construction zone.  And Willits activists are slamming Congressman Jared Huffman for helping negotiate the permit reinstatement. Stay tuned.